Happy Holidays 2019!
Just a quick note to wish everyone happy holidays and more beach time in 2020 time given the health benefits. Yeah, because of the health benefits. >;^ ) And while visiting the beach let's remember to keep our beaches clean so no litte…
A Brief History of Baja Hoodies / Jerga Hoodies
As baja hoodies / jerga hoodies are one of the more popular items we sell at BeachNecessities.com, we thought doing a deeper dive on their origins might be of interest to people. If you grew up on the left coast, particularly California, baja ho…
Labor Day Weekend 2019
While we all wind down another summer this Labor Day weekend, ideally at your favorite beach, we'd like to take a brief moment to reflect on the meaning of Labor Day. It honors the American labor movement
and the contributions that workers ha…
National Marine Sanctuaries
As we embark upon the last month of summer, thought it might be interesting to do a post on US National Marine Sanctuaries which includes both ocean and freshwater underwater parks. Managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration…
Happy 243rd Birthday (aka Happy Indepdence Day)!!!
Just a quick post to wish everyone a happy and joyous July 4th holiday, ideally at your favorite beach. No better time to be at the beach than the weekend that is widely considered the real kickoff summer in much of the country. However,…