World Oceans Day
Just a quick post to highlight World Oceans Day this Friday, 6/8, which people around the globe celebrate to honor the ocean that connects us all. Unofficially celebrated since its original proposal in 1992 by the now defunct Canada's International Centre for Ocean Development and the Ocean Institute of Canada, it's been formally recognized by The Ocean Project, World Ocean Network, Association of Zoos and Aquariums, among others, since 2002. World Oceans Day is celebrated because the ocean:
- generates most of the oxygen we breathe
- helps feed us
- regulates our climate
- cleans the water we drink
- offers a wide variety of medicines
- provides unlimited inspiration
Every year there is an annual theme and this year's is "to prevent plastic pollution and encourage solutions for a healthy ocean". So on that note, we'd like to highlight some things we are familiar with related to this year's theme.
For instance, here's an article on ocean plastics in the Jun18 issue of National Geographic that everyone should read. Also, today is the start of the 2018 Great Pacific Race which is an ~2400 mile rowing race from Monterey, CA to Waikiki in Honolulu, HI that will traverse them directly through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. I highlight this because I am familiar with a young woman, Eliza Dawson, participating in this year's race. Just a quick shout out to wish her best of luck and a safe crossing with her team.
And wanted to highlight one of BeachNecessities.com suppliers, Subs, who harvests ocean plastics and recycles them to manufacture it's flip flops. Lastly, this past weekend I received an email from a woman, Wendy Lipscomb, who just published an article on ocean plastics that was partially inspired by a blog post on ocean plastics that we did back in early April so wanted to thank her for reaching out.
So this Friday on World Oceans Day we'd just like to ask that you take a few minutes out of your day to reflect on what the oceans mean to you and what you can personally do to eliminate plastic consumption in your day to day because that will have a positive impact on the oceans.