Map Mom

Boston Harbor Plank Map


Boston Harbor has had quite the renaissance since the 1970s / 80s so if this is a fun place for you you'll want a Boston Harbor Plank Map.

Back in the 70s / 80s, raw sewage would be released directly into Boston Harbor, especially after a rainy day. It was so bad that it played a decisive role in George Bush Sr. beating Michael Dukakis in the 1988 Presidential election. That being said, this was a blessing in disguise for Boston Harbor.

From the ashes of the 1988 Presidential election, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) was born, the Deer Island Waste Water Treatment Plant was built in the mid to late 90s so fast forward to today and Boston Harbor is now a national and state park so families can now spend a great day exploring Boston Harbor.

Plank maps are made from .75" thick premium pine to ensure a clean and beautiful look, the dimensions are 16" W x 11" H and come "ready to hang" with a 1" long sawtooth bracket.

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Boston Harbor has had quite the renaissance since the 1970s / 80s so if this is a fun place for you you'll want a Boston Harbor Plank Map.

Back in the 70s / 80s, raw sewage would be released directly into Boston Harbor, especially after a rainy day. It was so bad that it played a decisive role in George Bush Sr. beating Michael Dukakis in the 1988 Presidential election. That being said, this was a blessing in disguise for Boston Harbor.

From the ashes of the 1988 Presidential election, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) was born, the Deer Island Waste Water Treatment Plant was built in the mid to late 90s so fast forward to today and Boston Harbor is now a national and state park so families can now spend a great day exploring Boston Harbor.

Plank maps are made from .75" thick premium pine to ensure a clean and beautiful look, the dimensions are 16" W x 11" H and come "ready to hang" with a 1" long sawtooth bracket.

Availability: Usually ships in one (1) business day.
Current Stock:
tags: focused product
Weight: 47.00 Ounces
Width: 19.00 (in)
Height: 16.00 (in)
Depth: 1.00 (in)
Warranty: You can return any new, unopened item(s) within forty five (45) days from the day it was ordered, that counts as day one (1) and you have until day forty five (45) to postmark your return, for a full refund without question. For items that have been opened, tested, tried on, etc., we will honor the forty five (45) return day period as long as there is no noticeable wear and tear on the item(s) returned. While the outbound shipping costs are not refundable, we will pay the return shipping costs as determined by, minus a $4.95 handling fee.

If an item(s) returned within the forty five (45) day period shows meaningful wear and tear, we will contact you to come up with an equitable solution.

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