Blue Planet Eyewear

Brayden Sunglasses (Matte Onyx / Black Wood + Brown Polarized Lens)

(You save $10.05)

Introducing Brayden, the iconic square polarized sunglasses that blend style and sustainability seamlessly. With vibrant colors and rich black wood temples, Brayden sunglasses are a fun and fashionable accessory for any occasion.

Blue Planet Eyewear (BPE) has integrated high-quality polarized lenses to provide you with unparalleled optical clarity and glare reduction while enhancing your visual experience shielding you from harmful UV rays. The lightweight frames are designed with spring hinges for a perfect fit and long-lasting comfort.

Hand polished ultra-lightweight eco-friendly frames are made with BPE's very own Eco-Process which reuses 60-75% recycled and reprocessed content that would otherwise end up in landfills or our ocean. 100% UVA / UVB protection with a premium category 3 polarized lens. And every pair includes a woven drawstring case and cleaning cloth.

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Introducing Brayden, the iconic square polarized sunglasses that blend style and sustainability seamlessly. With vibrant colors and rich black wood temples, Brayden sunglasses are a fun and fashionable accessory for any occasion.

Blue Planet Eyewear (BPE) has integrated high-quality polarized lenses to provide you with unparalleled optical clarity and glare reduction while enhancing your visual experience shielding you from harmful UV rays. The lightweight frames are designed with spring hinges for a perfect fit and long-lasting comfort.

Hand polished ultra-lightweight eco-friendly frames are made with BPE's very own Eco-Process which reuses 60-75% recycled and reprocessed content that would otherwise end up in landfills or our ocean. 100% UVA / UVB protection with a premium category 3 polarized lens. And every pair includes a woven drawstring case and cleaning cloth.

Availability: Usually ships in one (1) business day.
Current Stock:
tags: focused product
Weight: 8.25 Ounces
Width: 9.00 (in)
Height: 6.00 (in)
Depth: 1.50 (in)
Warranty: You can return any new, unopened item(s) within forty five (45) days from the day it was ordered, that counts as day one (1) and you have until day forty five (45) to postmark your return, for a full refund without question. For items that have been opened, tested, tried on, etc., we will honor the forty five (45) return day period as long as there is no noticeable wear and tear on the item(s) returned. While the outbound shipping costs are not refundable, we will pay the return shipping costs as determined by There is no handling fee of $4.95 if the total return weighs < eight (8) oz.

If an item(s) returned within the forty five (45) day period shows meaningful wear and tear, we will contact you to come up with an equitable solution.

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