Keep your feet safe and comfortable with these Easy USA Men's Water Shoes. Designed with a thermoplastic (TPR) injection outsole and a mesh, neoprene upper, these shoes offer a durable composition and a comfortable fit. Perfect for the beach, lake, ocean, pond and river, this water shoe is versatile and protective enough for surfing, walking on rocks and boating.
Color is royal blue and men's sizes 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Usually ships in one (1) business day.
Current Stock:
perpetual product
20.00 Ounces
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If an item(s) returned within the forty five (45) day period shows meaningful wear and tear, we will contact you to come up with an equitable solution.
Customer Reviews Write a Review
Easy USA Men's Water Shoes
5 Stars
The item was shipped quickly with the exact description as advertised. Also very satisfied with the communication with the merchant whom displayed care and responsibility in make sure the online customers are content. Thank you again....