Eric Clapton: 461 Ocean Boulevard


For an eCommerce site focusing on beaches and the ocean, how could we not offer 461 Ocean Boulevard, Eric Clapton's second solo studio album that marked his return to recording after recovering from a three year heroin addiction.  The album was released in late July 1974 shortly after RSO Records released the hit single "I Shot the Sheriff" a few weeks earlier and was recorded from April to May 1974.

The album topped various international charts and sold more than two million copies.  The album title, 461 Ocean Boulevard, refers to the address on Ocean Boulevard in Golden Beach, FL, a barrier island in the northeast corner of Miami-Dade County, where Clapton lived while recording the album.  The street address of the house was changed after the album's release due to fans flocking to the property.  The house has since been rebuilt and the street address restored. 

There are only three original compositions on the album Get Ready, Give Me Strength and Let It Grow, everything else is a cover such as Bob Marley's I Shot the Sheriff, Robert Johnson's Steady Rollin' Man, Johnny Otis' Willie and the Hand Jive, band member George Terry's Mainline Florida, etc.  An extremely strong comeback for Clapton, Rolling Stone placed the album at #411 on its 2012 list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.

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For an eCommerce site focusing on beaches and the ocean, how could we not offer 461 Ocean Boulevard, Eric Clapton's second solo studio album that marked his return to recording after recovering from a three year heroin addiction.  The album was released in late July 1974 shortly after RSO Records released the hit single "I Shot the Sheriff" a few weeks earlier and was recorded from April to May 1974.

The album topped various international charts and sold more than two million copies.  The album title, 461 Ocean Boulevard, refers to the address on Ocean Boulevard in Golden Beach, FL, a barrier island in the northeast corner of Miami-Dade County, where Clapton lived while recording the album.  The street address of the house was changed after the album's release due to fans flocking to the property.  The house has since been rebuilt and the street address restored. 

There are only three original compositions on the album Get Ready, Give Me Strength and Let It Grow, everything else is a cover such as Bob Marley's I Shot the Sheriff, Robert Johnson's Steady Rollin' Man, Johnny Otis' Willie and the Hand Jive, band member George Terry's Mainline Florida, etc.  An extremely strong comeback for Clapton, Rolling Stone placed the album at #411 on its 2012 list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.

Availability: Usually ships in one (1) business day.
Current Stock:
Weight: 6.50 Ounces
Width: 9.00 (in)
Height: 6.00 (in)
Depth: 1.00 (in)
Warranty: You can return any new, unopened item(s) within forty five (45) days from the day it was ordered, that counts as day one (1) and you have until day forty five (45) to postmark your return, for a full refund without question. For items that have been opened, tested, tried on, etc., we will honor the forty five (45) return day period as long as there is no noticeable wear and tear on the item(s) returned. While the outbound shipping costs are not refundable, we will pay the return shipping costs as determined by There is no handling fee of $4.95 if the total return weighs < eight (8) oz.

If an item(s) returned within the forty five (45) day period shows meaningful wear and tear, we will contact you to come up with an equitable solution.

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