
Explorer's Guide Charleston, Savannah & Coastal Islands


Charleston has become the most compelling destination in the coastal South for people who are serious about food and cooking. Meanwhile, Savannah has the nation’s largest registered Urban Historic District, with a booming arts and film community to bring the past to life. This latest Explorer’s Guide Charleston, Savannah & Coastal Islands is the best source for information on Charleston’s farm-to-table scene and Savannah’s artistic culture. And not to be missed: the area’s rural Coastal Islands hold rich history and the opportunity to learn more about the Gullah-Geechee culture of formerly enslaved Africans.

Stay in romantic inns or luxurious resorts and dine on regional delicacies like oysters and quail. Whether you’re visiting for a long weekend or renting a cottage for a week, see why Charleston, Savannah, and the historic small towns in between are beloved by residents and continue to enchant visitors.

176 pages and 75 color photographs.

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Charleston has become the most compelling destination in the coastal South for people who are serious about food and cooking. Meanwhile, Savannah has the nation’s largest registered Urban Historic District, with a booming arts and film community to bring the past to life. This latest Explorer’s Guide Charleston, Savannah & Coastal Islands is the best source for information on Charleston’s farm-to-table scene and Savannah’s artistic culture. And not to be missed: the area’s rural Coastal Islands hold rich history and the opportunity to learn more about the Gullah-Geechee culture of formerly enslaved Africans.

Stay in romantic inns or luxurious resorts and dine on regional delicacies like oysters and quail. Whether you’re visiting for a long weekend or renting a cottage for a week, see why Charleston, Savannah, and the historic small towns in between are beloved by residents and continue to enchant visitors.

176 pages and 75 color photographs.

Availability: Usually ships in one (1) business day.
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Weight: 12.25 Ounces
Width: 12.00 (in)
Height: 10.00 (in)
Depth: 1.00 (in)
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