When people think of the coast of Maine, Penobscot Bay comes to mind for many so this Penobscot Bay, Maine Plank Map is a welcome memento.
Penobscot Bay (aka Baie de Penobscot) is an inlet of the Gulf of Maine and Atlantic Ocean in south central Maine, a stretch known as Midcoast Maine and in a broader Atlantic region known as Downeast. The bay originates from the mouth of Maine's Penobscot River, downriver from Belfast, named for the Penobscot Indian Nation which has inhabited in / around the bay and river fishing, hunting and shellfish gathering for ten thousand plus years.
Penobscot Bay has many working waterfronts including Belfast, Rockland, Rockport and Stonington and is between Muscongus and Blue Hill Bay, just west of Acadia National Park. And some absolutely fabulous islands including Deer Isle / Stonington, Isleboro, Matinicus, North Haven, Vinalhaven, etc. Great place for a schooner / windjammer sail in the summer and fall.
Plank maps are made from .75" thick premium pine to ensure a clean and beautiful look, the dimensions are 16" W x 11" H and come "ready to hang" with a 1" long sawtooth bracket.
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