Malibu Beach Gear

Personal Beach Cooler & Tote


The ultimate accessory for your beach day or outdoor adventure is this Personal Beach Cooler & Tote Bag. With a twelve (12) can capacity cooler, you can bring all your favorite drinks and snacks. And thanks to its insulated lining, your drinks and food will stay cold for several hours without ice, longer with.

Plus, three (3) dry pockets, one (1) large and two (2) small, for electronics and other items ensure that your phone and other gadgets stay safe and dry on the beach or by the pool. This stylish tote bag also has a detachable seat cushion, making it the perfect combination of convenience and comfort, which also has elastic bands to hold your beach towel when not detached. It also features removable clips to transport other items.

Dimensions are 17" L x 13" H x 6" W and colors are Blue, Gray & Red.

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The ultimate accessory for your beach day or outdoor adventure is this Personal Beach Cooler & Tote Bag. With a twelve (12) can capacity cooler, you can bring all your favorite drinks and snacks. And thanks to its insulated lining, your drinks and food will stay cold for several hours without ice, longer with.

Plus, three (3) dry pockets, one (1) large and two (2) small, for electronics and other items ensure that your phone and other gadgets stay safe and dry on the beach or by the pool. This stylish tote bag also has a detachable seat cushion, making it the perfect combination of convenience and comfort, which also has elastic bands to hold your beach towel when not detached. It also features removable clips to transport other items.

Dimensions are 17" L x 13" H x 6" W and colors are Blue, Gray & Red.

Availability: Usually ships in one (1) business day.
Current Stock:
tags: focused product
Weight: 29.00 Ounces
Width: 18.00 (in)
Height: 16.00 (in)
Depth: 2.00 (in)
Warranty: You can return any new, unopened item(s) within forty five (45) days from the day it was ordered, that counts as day one (1) and you have until day forty five (45) to postmark your return, for a full refund without question. For items that have been opened, tested, tried on, etc., we will honor the forty five (45) return day period as long as there is no noticeable wear and tear on the item(s) returned. While the outbound shipping costs are not refundable, we will pay the return shipping costs as determined by, minus a $4.95 handling fee.

If an item(s) returned within the forty five (45) day period shows meaningful wear and tear, we will contact you to come up with an equitable solution.

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