Pat Conroy’s classic novel, The Prince of Tides, stings with honesty and resounds with drama. Spanning forty years, it’s the story of turbulent Tom Wingo, his gifted and troubled twin sister, Savannah, their brother Luke and their struggle to triumph over the dark and tragic legacy of the extraordinary family into which they were born.
Filled with the vanishing beauty of the South Carolina Low Country, this is where Luke, Savannah and Tom were raised by an abusive shrimp boat operator father and a status hungry mother, as well as the dusty glitter of New York City where Savannah had moved, this book showcases an American original at his very best. While much of the book is located in New York City, it's a retrospective of the Wingo children's lives growing up in the Low Country on the coast and the natural beauty there combined with several traumatic events.
When published in 1986, The Prince of Tides was received with critical acclaim and became a best seller. Paperback and always good to have on hand at the beach house as ranked # 26 of the 100 best beach books ever.
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